The profile of a successful job candidate is marked by an array of networking aids that go way beyond a resume or CV. LinkedIn is certainly one of them which offers the additional benefit of endorsements from other users. With more than ¾ of those responsible for hiring reporting that they use a LinkedIn profile as a means of job placement, making sure your LinkedIn profile will improve your chances of getting hired should be a top priority.
LinkedIn is most effective when your profile helps to differentiate you from the crowd. Are you up to the task of creating a LinkedIn profile that will produce an impression of you that allows you to be picked out from the multitudes of job seekers?
Our experts apply recommended LinkedIn profile creation tips to assure that your profile that will be noticed and could lead to your next job. Obtaining the service of a professional LinkedIn writer to create an attention grabbing profile is essential. You owe it to yourself to do it today.
LinkedIn profiles are a vital tool for finding and retaining jobs in the socially connected world. Your profile will be created or revised based on your CV or resume by a Professor Mentor with expertise in LinkedIn networking. A LinkedIn page will be prepared for you to review.
After content is approved, it will be uploaded. Suggestions will be made on groups to join based on goals and a list of tips for engagement will be provided.
To get started, we will need a copy of your resume/CV, teaching philosophy statement if applicable, your goals, a high resolution cover photo and a high resolution background photo.
Professional creation or revision of your LinkedIn Profile
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