
Enhancing First-Year Experiences in Higher Education

Dr. Sheri Hutchinson

Dr. Sheri Hutchinson

Dr. Sheri Hutchinson
Dr. Sheri Hutchinson

Developing effective first-year experiences is essential for helping students adjust to college life and retention. Studies show these programs encourage student-faculty interactions, build community, boost involvement in activities, and increase academic satisfaction. The whole campus, especially the faculty, must understand they play a crucial role in developing, implementing, and reinforcing positive first-year experiences for students of all ages. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of first-year programs and why faculty are not just essential but pivotal. We will also offer examples and suggest ways to measure program effectiveness.

We talked to Dr. Sheri Hutchinson, who emphasizes the benefits of first-year experiences for schools’ accreditation. She says, “You’re really looking at your institutions, your reputation, your accreditation is really based upon that whole first-year experience. Because if you are not successful in retaining those students and getting them through to completion, that does put your financial aid in jeopardy, which then does, in turn, put your campus in jeopardy. So that’s why those first-year experiences really end up being so absolutely important for all of us.” These benefits should inspire and motivate us all to contribute to these programs.

Watch Dr. Sheri Hutchinson’s interview here.

First-year college students experience various challenges as they transition into higher education. Here are some of the most common issues they encounter.

Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from the students and the higher education community to provide the necessary support and resources.

Why First-Year Experiences Matter

Faculty Involvement in Freshman Courses

Hutchinson shares the importance of faculty involvement in first-year experiences: “When you see some of your really high enrolling programs, you usually need to take a look at the faculty that are involved in that because they’re creating a wonderful first-year experience.” Faculty are the primary relationship between students and the school, influencing the entire student experience.

Here are ways faculty can make a difference:

Creating Meaningful Online Experiences

Practical Examples

Hutchinson shares that students seek a personal connection while we have technology and online tools. She says, “Remember, the human element is huge. I mean, it’s great to sit with our phones. And have our new friend AI talk to us. It’s great. We can have wonderful, fabulous conversations with the robots. But in the end, the real connection and what’s going to keep our students is our engagement with students.”

Measuring Program Effectiveness

Measuring the effectiveness of first-year college programs is essential to ensure they provide the value and support needed for students to succeed. Here are some key metrics and approaches used to evaluate these programs:

Additionally, institutions may use the following methods to evaluate their programs:

Surveys and assessments, such as six-week check-in surveys for first-year students, can also provide valuable insights into student satisfaction and the overall experience. By combining these metrics and methods, higher education leaders can comprehensively understand their first-year programs’ strengths and areas for improvement.

First-year experiences are essential for student retention and the reputation of the institution. Prioritizing connections with students while using technology can help students adjust to college life and complete their programs.

If you want to design a robust online first-year experience, Sheri Hutchinson and The Babb Group can help!


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Angela Britcher

Angela Britcher, M.A., is a dynamic content marketing professional and storyteller who transforms complex ideas into easily digestible bites for audiences. She teaches communications, media studies, and writing, and she is a skilled instructional designer, creating engaging online learning experiences for colleges and corporate training. Angela produces and hosts The Babb Group's DigitalEDU Dialogues podcast.
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