
Complete Your Doctoral Milestone with Support and Success

We understand the unique challenges that come with pursuing a doctorate. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our new offering: Dissertation Services. This suite of services is designed to provide doctoral candidates with the coaching and editing support they need to confidently cross the finish line.

Meet Dissertation Coach Karisa King and learn more about the program.


The Power of an Accountability Partner

In a recent podcast, we talked to Dissertation Coach and Strategist Dr. Karisa King, who shared her insights on the doctoral journey. Dr. King emphasized the transformative role of an accountability partner she met at a residency. She said, “She really supported me as a whole person. She provided invaluable feedback and constructive criticism while challenging me to really think creatively and critically about my own work. I really, truly believe that having that accountability partner during my dissertation journey enriched not only my academic experience but also my personal growth.”

Tailored Research Design Assistance

The program offers coaching and editing services. One of the ways coaching can help doctoral candidates is by narrowing down their research questions and working on a sound research design. Dr. King explains. “The research design assistance is going to help you with developing and refining research questions, some guidance on refining research questions to ensure that they are conducive to your dissertation, determining the most suitable approach for addressing research questions, collaborative brainstorming sessions, and to design a research plan that encompasses all of the necessary components of the dissertation as well.”

Time Management Mastery

Time management is one of the most challenging parts of working on a doctoral thesis while working and managing life. Dr. King shared her approach to helping students manage their workload. “The biggest thing is manageable tasks, short goals, working collaboratively to establish clear, specific and achievable short-term goals and those long-term goals that align with the student’s priorities and values and where they’re at in life.”

An Inspiring Call to Action

Dr. King offered words of encouragement for those considering the pursuit of a doctorate. “Don’t be scared. Take the plunge. Do it! I’m so grateful that I was able to find that accountability partner to help me through the process.”

Dissertation Services offers a partnership to help you reach your academic goals.

To learn more about how we can support your doctoral journey, visit our website and discover the difference professional guidance can make. Let’s turn your ABD into a Ph.D together.

For more information on our Dissertation Services and to get started, please visit our Dissertation Services page.

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Angela Britcher

Angela Britcher, M.A., is a dynamic content marketing professional and storyteller who transforms complex ideas into easily digestible bites for audiences. She teaches communications, media studies, and writing, and she is a skilled instructional designer, creating engaging online learning experiences for colleges and corporate training. Angela produces and hosts The Babb Group's DigitalEDU Dialogues podcast.
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